Sunday, April 30, 2017
Day 4
What an amazing experience to be in Israel at this time of the year! We began the day reflecting on the last few days. We then participated in an interactive presentation on the Establishment of Israel. We visited the Indpendence Museum, laid a wreath on Rabin's memorial, then visited a top secret army base where they make the newest tanks. We were not permitted to take photos so please read more about it on this sight!
This evening we attended a moving Yom Ha'zikaron ceremony at Yad Eliyahu school. The kids have been great!
Saturday, April 29, 2017
We all met at Zoey's house where her Abba lead Havdalah. The kids all had fun,
ate pizza and then headed home because tomorrow's going to be a busy day.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Day 2 Trip to the South
We left early this morning and headed south to Kfar Hanokdim. We road camels through the Negev desert. We then climbed the Roman path up Masada and learned about the history of Masada. We had a yummy lunch and then headed towards Nahal David where we hiked to a beautiful waterfall and the kids had a great time. Kids are spending time with their families tomorrow. We will be having Havdalah at Zoey's house. Shabbat shalom!
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The first day of our Israel trip
We arrived safely after a long trip! The 8th graders were amazing! Adam got the prize for no sleep at all! There was an excited reunion of the Kadima and Singalovski kids. We went straight to the Tel Aviv port where we learned about the beginning of the port, walked along the coastal boardwalk, grabbed ice cream, and then met the families who whisked us home! There were lots of smiles and hugs all round!
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Sacramento Day 2!
After completing their time at the Earth Trek Camp, and learning from the California pioneers, 4th and 5th grade students spent time in old town Caloma and then headed to the State Capitol building today. They also learned about growth west and the development of the state of California, thanks in part to the transcontinental railroad on their visit to the California Railroad Museum. This evening, they will be heading home following their adventure in and around Sacramento.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
4th and 5th Grade Travel to Sacramento
The Kadima 4th and 5th grade are spending the next 2 days in the State capital exploring their social studies units and the development of the west. Today, they visited Sutter's Mill, just outside of Sacramento. Gold was found at Sutter's Mill setting off the California Gold Rush. Students engaged in experiential learning by mining gold themselves at the south fork of the American River. Students then spent time in Caloma learning from preservationists about life and culture of the mining days, including an interactive dramatic experience.
Overall, they are all engaged in learning and looking forward to more learning tomorrow.
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